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There are three main categories in switch types. Linear, Tactile, and Clicky. Here I will touch upon MX switches, which are the most readily available.

Linear switches are a smooth from the top of the switch to the bottom of the key press. Linear switches will get progressively stiffer as the stem gets pushed further down. Linear switches have been popular withing the PC gaming community for their ability to be quickly pressed and double tapped.
Linear Switches: Cherry Red/Black, Gateron Clear/Red/Yellow/Black
Premium Linear Switches: Zealios (Linear), Panda, MOD-S, Cherry Speed, Cherry Silent
Tactile switches have a "bump" part way through the key press. This allows for the typist to have physical feedback as to when the switch is being activated. They are the most common switch and very popular in office settings.
Tactile Switches: Cherry Brown/Clear/Grey, Gateron Brown
Premium Tactile Switches: Topre, Zealios, MOD, Halo (to be released), Ergo Clear
Clicky switches are designed to emit a sound when actuating. All keystrokes will make a sound when the stem hits the bottom of the switch (bottoming out). Clicky switches have make a deliberate sound to notify the typist that the switch has been activated. In addition to the auditory feedback, all clicky switches have a tactile bump as well. These are great for typing, but are not as popular for gamers and office spaces due to the noise level.
Clicky Switches: Cherry Blue/Green, Gateron Blue/Green
Premium Clicky Switches: Fosen Aquamarine, Aristotles, Buckling Spring
How do I pick a switch
The perfect switch is very subjective. So although it is good to get a second opinion from friends or online, the most accurate method of choosing a switch is to try them out at a local electronics store or purchase a switch tester.