Keyboard DIY
News Reviews How-To's
Making Your Own Keyboard
Flashing your Teensy
Now that you have your Hex file from the previous section, you will need to program (flash) it onto your Teensy. Lucky PJRC has a really easy to use flashing program called Teensy Loader. You will want to head to to download it on your specific operating system and save it on your computer. Once saved; open it up (Should be named Teensy.exe)

The Teensy Loader will look like this when opened. Click on the paper looking icon and select your Hex file.
Press the button on front of your Teensy to put it in bootloader mode and wait for the screen look like this (colors are darker and the PCB is more defined).
Now click the downward point arrow to Program the Teensy! When done it should say, "Download Complete"
Last thing to do is to reboot your Teensy by pressing the right arrow. Afterwards your keyboard should be fully functional and ready for testing!
Testing your Keyboard
It's always good to check your work and make sure that the keys and layers are working and inputting properly. I like to use aquakey test. Here is a link!